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* Coronavirus Updates

GMS is currently open for business yet our plant, grinding facility and offices are not open to the public nor are we accepting visitors at this time.   Appointments may be made by vendor sales staff or customers by contacting your respective GMS representative via telephone or email to schedule.   We wish you and your families a wonderful and safe summer. We, the employees of GMS thank you  for your continued business and look forward to serving you with our American made winch, hoist, air motor and gearbox related requirements.        

[ REFINERY APPLICATION - AMP94 air motor with a Right Angle Drive for a Worthington Decoking Rotary Joint Swivel drive.]

Thank you for visiting JoyWinch.com and for your interest in the air product lines we carry.  We are the Worldwide(OEM) Original Equipment Manufacturer of the following air product lines which serve as replacement parts and finished assemblies for the units shown below:

  • Air Motors: AMP 38 (3.8Hp), AMP 94 (9.4Hp), AMP 180 (18Hp), AMP 200 (20Hp) 
  • Tuggers & Decoker Hoists: JHA-20 thru JHA 100, D-COK-R, OS 111, AW-80, EW 111
  • Specialty Gear Boxes: Gear reduction and right angle gear boxes.  Ideco and worthington style.
  • Anchor Pins & Eyes & Wedges
  • Clone Parts: IR FA2 Adapter plates (link your IR product to one of our air motors)

MADE IN THE USA!  All parts in the above listed product lines are made entirely in America of the best in quality material and craftsmanship. 

At present, changes are being made to our web site.  We are making an effort to present you with a user friendly website covering our entire spectrum of product lines as soon as possible.  At this point we ask that you email or call us with any specific request you may have regarding your equipment needs. The emphasis of our site is to help those companies with JOY / SULLIVAN / IR Air products to find a SOLUTION to their replacement service parts and new product needs.    

*We have no affiliation with JOY Mining Machinery, JOY Manufacturing, or JOY Global.

** We reserve the right to change product design at any time.   
